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I Have The Sunscreen. Now What? | How to Apply Sunscreen

Whether from your in-person pharmacy or online, you've now bought yourself a brand new sunscreen (hopefully it's our Nöz Sunscreen, but whatevs). Now you've got yourself wondering: "How do I even apply this?", "How much sunscreen do I apply?", "How long do I have to wait before going outside?", "Is this going to break me out?". Keep reading to answer all of these questions and get yourself even closer to becoming an SPF campion!

How do you know which sunscreen to choose?

Choose a sunscreen that has an SPF of 30-50, is water-resistant, and provides broad-spectrum coverage (again, we'd recommend Nöz Sunscreen

When do you apply sunscreen?

Apply sunscreen 15 minutes before going outside to let the sunscreen sink into the skin to keep from burning and allow for ample protection

How much sunscreen do you apply?

Most adults use about one ounce but it should be enough to cover all uncovered areas of the skin and thoroughly scrub in until the product can barely be seen

Do you have to reapply sunscreen?

Reapply sunscreen every 2 hours or immediately after exercising or swimming

How long do you wait before going in water? 

Generally, wait at least 15-30 minutes prior to going swimming to full let the sunscreen set in and remember to reapply when needed

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